Friday, April 1, 2016

Seems like yestermonth

Gosh it's been quiet [sic] a ride.  Back when I began this li'l enterprise.  Back before I was known to everyone as "WSCG." I had 'nother name.  I don't recall what it was exactly, but it turns out there was a big huge secrets spiller by the same name so I had to give it all up.

Honestly, It had somethin' to do with spam or margarine or walnut butter.

But now that I've officially hung up my quill, it's time to sit back and enjoy the finer things.  Things I never had time to do before.

For instance, I always wanted to "Not blog" but could never find the time to do it.  Now that I've decided to "Not blog" I think that whole thing will be freed up.

Like I said t'is morning, I'll still check in wit you fellers from time to time, but only if there's something to talk about.

What's that, Jolly?  Walk time?

Well folks.  See you 'round. It's been real and it's been unreal, but it hasn't been real unreal.

Our feet are stained.